The Tian Research Group

Welcome to the Tian group


A lab dedicated to advancements in photoelectroceuticals and living bioelectronics


In the Tian Group, we are immersed in the mesmerizing intersection of biology and electronic materials. Our enthusiasm fuels our work in crafting innovative materials and cutting-edge devices that mimic life. We are intrigued by replicating cellular functions using advanced semiconductor materials and enhancing biological systems with semiconductor technology. Our commitment to innovation leads us to create groundbreaking biophysical tools, shedding light on the intricacies of subcellular processes. A key focus of our research is mastering the real-time control of cellular electrophysiology, crucial for understanding cellular communication. Since 2012, our journey has explored the fascinating field of living electronics made from composite materials, aiming to mirror natural processes. We look to the future, aspiring to a world transformed by our discoveries, offering new possibilities in healing, environmental balance, and scientific exploration.

“When you are enthusiastic about what you do, you feel this positive energy. It’s very simple.”

Paulo Coelho, the author of “The Alchemist”


“The only metrics that will truly matter to my life are the individuals whom I have been able to help, one by one, to become better people.”

Clayton M. Christensen, in “How Will You Measure Your Life?”.



Group Highlights

Featured Lab Members

Jiping Yue has made significant contributions to our lab research over the past eight years, dating back to his time as a postdoc in the Biological Sciences Division. We are incredibly thankful for his support and dedication to our team!


Featured News

Bozhi proudly hooded Jiuyun at the UChicago convocation! Jiuyun has set an exceptional example for all future Ph.D. candidates. What a tremendous success!

Featured Publications

Chuanwang’s paper on the sustainable microfabrication of bioelectronics and catalytic robotics has been published in Nature Sustainability! This work also demonstrates a roll-to-roll scalable fabrication setup.

See the paper. See the video.

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