The Tian Research Group

Selected Publications


*, co-first authorship; bold, co-corresponding authorship (Tian lab members)


Year 2024:

  • S. Kim, E. Eig, J. P. Yue, A. Yang, C. Comerci, M. Laune, C. W. Yang, A. Kamath, J. Y. Shi, P. J. Li, Z. Cheng, C. X. Sun, T. T. Guo, V.  Tian, G. M. Suel, B. Z. Tian, Bioelectronic drug-free control of opportunistic pathogens through selective excitability. Device, 2024, DOI: DOI: 10.1016/j.device.2024.100596. Link

Key information: Our team discovered that Staphylococcus epidermidis, a skin bacterium linked to infections, can be electrically excited under acidic conditions, causing reversible changes in its membrane potential. This selective excitability allowed us to suppress biofilm formation using mild, non-lethal voltages, providing a drug-free method to control bacterial behavior. We successfully demonstrated this approach on porcine skin with a flexible electroceutical patch, offering a promising solution for combating antibiotic resistance.

Journal cover highlight


  • Y. H. Dai, S. Wai, P. J. Li, N. S. Shan, Z. Q. Cao, Y. Li, Y. F. Wang, Y. D. Liu, W. Liu, K. Tang, Y. Z. Liu, M. C. Hua, S. S. Li, N. Li, S. Chatterji, H. C. Fry, S. Lee, C. Zhang, M. Weires, S. Sutyak, J. Y. Shi, C. H. Zhu, J. Xu, X. D. Gu, B. Z. Tian, S. H. Wang. Soft hydrogel semiconductors with augmented biointeractive functions, Science, 2024, DOI: 10.1126/science.adp9314. Link


  • P. J. Li, S. Kim, B. Z. Tian, Nano-bioelectronics: Beyond 25 years of biomedical innovation. Device, 2024, DOI: 10.1016/j.device.2024.100401 (Perspective). Link

Key information: Nano-bioelectronics epitomizes the cutting-edge fusion of nanotechnology’s precision with the dynamic complexities of biological systems. This emergent field is advancing rapidly, driven by groundbreaking developments in biochemical sensing, intracellular recording, neuromodulation, and brain-machine interfaces. This review examines the transformative impact of nano-bioelectronic materials and devices on biomedical interventions in recent decades. Additionally, it anticipates their revolutionary potential in reshaping environmental monitoring, boosting agricultural productivity, optimizing energy consumption, and even revolutionizing artistic expression.


  • C. W. Yang, P. J. Li, C. Wei, A. Prominski, J. C. Ma, C. X. Sun, J. P. Yue, Z. Cheng, J. Zhang, B. Ashwood, W. Li, J. Y. Shi, K. Hou, F. Y. Shi, P. Griffin, L. H. Jin, B. Z. Tian, A bioinspired permeable junction approach for sustainable device microfabrication. Nature Sustainability, 2024, DOI:10.1038/s41893-024-01389-5. Link

Highlight from Nature Sustainability: Nature-inspired microfabrication

Behind the paper by Chuanwang Yang: A bioinspired permeable junction approach for sustainable device microfabrication

Journal cover highlight

Video Tutorial for the Scientific Community


  • P. J. Li, J. Y. Shi, B. Z. Tian, An electronic pill for non-invasive gastric monitoring. Nature Electronics, 2024, DOI: 10.1038/s41928-024-01180-6 (News and Views). Link


  • J. Y. Shi*, S. Kim*, P. J. Li, F. Y. Dong, C. W. Yang, B. Nam, C. Han, E. Eig, L. L. Shi, S. M. Niu, J. P. Yue, B. Z. Tian, Active biointegrated living electronics for managing inflammation. Science, 2024, DOI: 10.1126/science.adl1102. Link

Highlight from Science: Living bioelectronics resolve inflammation

Highlight from Physics World: Living bioelectronics capture physiological signals and deliver targeted therapy

Highlight from C&EN: Bioelectronic device is loaded with bacteria

Highlight from NewScientist: Bioelectronic patch uses living bacteria to treat psoriasis in mice

Video Tutorial for the General Public


Video Tutorial for the Scientific Community


  • C. W. Yang, Z. Cheng, P. J. Li, B. Z. Tian, Exploring present and future directions in nano-enhanced optoelectronic neuromodulation. Accounts of Chemical Research, 2024, DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.4c00086. Link



  • P. J. Li, J. Zhang, H. Hayashi, J. P. Yue, W. Li, C. W. Yang, C. X. Sun, J. Y. Shi, J. Huberman-Shlaes, N. Hibino, B. Z. Tian, Monolithic silicon for high-spatiotemporal translational photostimulation. Nature, 2024, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07016-9. Link

Highlight from Nature: Light can restore a heart’s rhythm

Highlight from Nature Reviews Bioengineering: Photoelectrochemical stimulation of the heart

Highlight from NIH: Wireless, light-powered pacemaker shines bright in animal study

Highlight from C&EN: New wireless pacemaker is powered by light

Bozhi’s hand-drawn sketch from February 17, 2023, illustrating the initial concept for the minimally invasive delivery tool:

Video Tutorial for the General Public


Video Tutorial for the Scientific Community


  • X. Huang*, L. Y. Meng*, G. Cao, A. Prominski, Y. F. Hu, C. W. Yang, M. Chen, J. Y. Shi, C. Gallagher, T. Cao, J. P. Yue, J. Huang, B. Z. Tian. Multimodal probing of T cell recognition with hexapod heterostructures. Nature Methods, 2024, DOI: 10.1038/s41592-023-02165-7. Link

Research briefing: A biomimetic robotic antigen-presenting system for sensitive T cell recognition. 

Journal cover highlight

Video Tutorial for the Scientific Community


  • J. Y. Shi*, Y. L. Lin*, P. J. Li, P. Mickel, C. X. Sun, K. Parekh, J. C. Ma, S. Kim, B. Ashwood, L. Y. Meng, Y. Q. Luo, S. Chen, H.-M. Tsai, C. M. Cham, J. Zhang, Z. Cheng, J. A. Abu-Halimah, J. W. Chen, P. Griffin, E. B. Chang, P. Král, J. P. Yue, B. Z. Tian. Monolithic-to-focal evolving biointerfaces in tissue regeneration and bioelectronics. Nature Chemical Engineering, 2024, 1, 73–86 (2024). Link

Highlight from Nature: Sticky gels designed for tissue-healing therapies and diagnostics

Behind the paper by Jiuyun Shi: Biointerfaces Evolving with Living Systems


Year 2023:

  • N. Li, Y. H. Li, Z. Cheng, Y. D. Liu, Y. H. Dai, S. Kang, S. S. Li, N. S. Shan, S. Wai, A. Ziaja, Y. F. Wang, J. Strzalka, W. Liu, C. Zhang, X. D. Gu, J. A. Hubbell, B. Z. Tian, S. H. Wang. Bioadhesive polymer semiconductors and transistors for intimate biointerfaces. Science, 2023, DOI: 10.1126/science.adg8758. Link
  • Y. L. Lin*, J. Y. Shi*, W. Feng*, J. P. Yue, Y. Q. Luo, S. Chen, B. Yang, Y. W. Jiang, H. C. Hu, C. K. Zhou, F. Y. Shi, A. Prominski, D. V. Talapin, W. Xiong, X. Gao, B. Z. Tian. Periplasmic biomineralization for semi-artificial photosynthesis. Science Advances, 2023, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adg5858. Link


  • Y. TanR. C. CoyleR. W. BarrsS. E. SilverM. LiD. J. RichardsY. L. LinY. W. JiangH. J. WangD. R MenickK. Deleon-PennellB. Z. TianY. Mei. Nanowired human cardiac organoid transplantation enables highly efficient and effective recovery of infarcted hearts. Science Advances, 2023, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adf2898. Link


Year 2022:

  • Y. L. Lin*, X. Gao*, J. P. Yue*, Y. Fang*, J. Y. Shi, L. Y. Meng, C. Clayton, X.-X. Zhang., F. Y. Shi, J. J. Deng, S. Chen, Y. Jiang, F. Marin, J. T. Hu, H.-M. Tsai, Q. Tu, E. W. Roth, R. Bleher, X. Q. Chen, P. Griffin, Z. H. Cai, A. Prominski, T. W. Odom, B. Z. Tian. A Soil-Inspired Dynamically Responsive Chemical System for Microbial Modulation. Nature Chemistry, 2022, DOI: 10.1038/s41557-022-01064-2. Link
  • A. Thalhammer, M. Fontanini, J. Y. Shi, D. Scaini, L. Recupero, A. Evtushenko, Y. Fu, S. Pavagada, A. Bistrovic-popov, L. Fruk, B. Z. Tian, L. Ballerini. Distributed interfacing by nanoscale photodiodes enables single-neuron light activation and sensory enhancement in 3D spinal explants. Science Advances, 2022, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abp925. Link
  • A. Prominski, J. Y. Shi, P. J. Li, J. P. Yue, Y. L. Lin, J. Park, B. Z. Tian, M. Y. Rotenberg. Porosity-based heterojunctions enable leadless optoelectronic modulation of tissues. Nature Materials, 2022, DOI: 10.1038/s41563-022-01249-7. Link


Year 2021:

  • Z. F. Ye, A. Prominski, B. Z. Tian, G. Galli. Probing the electronic properties of the electrified silicon/water interface by combining simulations and experiments, PNAS,
  • Y. Fang, X. Yang, Y. L. Lin, J. Y. Shi, A. Prominski, C. Clayton, E. Ostroff, B. Z. Tian. Dissecting biological and synthetic soft-hard interfaces for tissue-like systems, Chemical Reviews, 2021, 10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00365, and the video.


Year 2020:

  • Y. Fang*, A. Prominski*, M. Y. Rotenberg*, L. Y. Meng*, H. A. Ledesma*, Y. Lv, J. P. Yue, E. Schaumann, J. Jeong, N. Yamamoto, Y. W. Jiang, B. Elbaz, W. Wei, B. Z. Tian, Micelle-enabled self-assembly of porous and monolithic carbon membranes for bioelectronic interfaces. Nature Nanotechnology, 2020. Link  Also see: A. Prominski, Bioelectronic modulation with porous and monolithic carbon membranes (Behind-the-paper). Link


  • V. Nair*, J. Yi*, D. Isheim, M. Rotenberg, L. Y. Meng, F. Y. Shi, X. Q. Chen, X. Gao, A. Prominski, Y. W. Jiang, J. P. Yue, C. T. Gallagher, D. N. Seidman, B. Z. Tian, Laser writing of nitrogen-doped silicon carbide for biological modulation. Science Advances, 2020, 6 (34), eaaz2743. Link
  • Y. Fang*, L. Y. Meng*, A. Prominski*, E. N. Schaumann*, M. Seebald, B. Z. Tian, Recent advances in bioelectronics chemistry. Chemical Society Reviews, 2020, DOI: 10.1039/d0cs00333f. (Invited Review). Link
  • X. Gao*, Y. W. Jiang*, Y. L. Lin*, K.-H. Kim., Y. Fang, J. Yi, L. Y. Meng. H.-C. Lee, Z. Y. Lu, O. Leddy, R. Zhang, Q. Tu, W. Feng, V. Nair, P. J. Griffin, F. Y. Shi, G. S. Shekhawat, A. R. Dinner, H.-G. Park, and B. Z. Tian, Structured silicon for revealing transient and integrated signal transductions in microbial systems. Science Advances, 2020, 6, eaay2760. Link
  • Y. Fang*, E. Han*, X.-X. Zhang*, Y. W. Jiang*, Y. L. Lin, J. Y. Shi, J. B. Wu, L. Y. Meng, X. Gao, P. J. Griffin, X. H. Xiao, H.-M. Tsai, H. Zhou, X. B. Zuo, Q. Zhang, M. Q. Chu, Q. T. Zhang, Y. Gao, L. K. Roth, R. Bleher, Z. Y. Ma, Z. Jiang, J. P. Yue, C.-M. Kao, C.-T. Chen, A. Tokmakoff, J. Wang, H. M. Jaeger, B. Z. Tian, Dynamic and programmable cellular-scale granules enable tissue-like materials. Matter, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.matt.2020.01.008. Link



Year 2019:

  • M. Y. Rotenberg, N. Yamamoto, E. N. Schaumann, L. Matino, F. Santoro, B. Z. Tian, Living myofibroblast-silicon composites for probing electrical coupling in cardiac systems. PNAS, 2019, 116, 22531-22539. Link


  • B. Z. Tian, Nongenetic neural control with light, Science, 2019, 365, 457, DOI: 10.1126/science.aay4351 (Prize essay) Link
  • H. Acaron Ledesma, X. Li, J. L. Carvalho-de-Souza, W. Wei, F. Bezanilla, B. Z. Tian, An atlas of nano-enabled neural interfaces. Nature Nanotechnology, 2019, 14, 645-657. Link
  • Y. Fang, B. Z. Tian, Curving neural nanobioelectronics. Nature Nanotechnology, 2019, DOI: 10.1038/s41565-019-0503-1 (News and Views). Link
  • B. Z. Tian, C. M. Lieber, Nanowired bioelectric interfaces. Chemical Reviews, 2019, 119, 9136-9152. Link
  • Y. W. Jiang*, R. Parameswaran*, X. Li*, J. L. Carvalo-de-Souza*, X. Gao, L. Meng, F. Bezanilla, G. M. G. Shepherd, B. Z. Tian, Nongenetic optical neuromodulation with silicon-based materials. Nature Protocols, 2019, DOI: s41596-019-0135-9. Link


Year 2018:

  • Y. W. Jiang, B. Z. Tian, Inorganic semiconductor biointerfaces. Nature Reviews Materials, 2018, Link
  • R. Parameswaran*, K. Koehler*, M. Rotenberg, M. Burke, J. Kim, K.-Y. Jeong, B. Hissa, M. Paul, K. Moreno, N. Sarma, T. Hayes, E. Sudzilovsky, H.-G. Park, B. Z. Tian, Optical stimulation of cardiac cells with a polymer-supported silicon nanowire matrix. PNAS, 2018, in press. Link
  • R. Parameswaran, B. Z. Tian, Rational design of semiconductor nanostructures for functional subcellular interfaces. Accounts of Chemical Research, 2018, DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.7b00555 (Invited review). Link
  • Y. W. Jiang*, X. J. Li*, B. Liu*, J. Yi, Y. Fang, F. Y. Shi, X. Gao, E. Sudzilovsky, R. Parameswaran, K. Koehler, V. Nair, J. Yue, K. H. Guo, Y. Fang, H.-M. Tsai, G. Freyermuth, R. C. S. Wong, C.-M. Kao, C.-T. Chen, A. W. Nicholls, X. Y. Wu, G. M. G. Shepherd, B. Z. Tian, Rational design of silicon structures for optically-controlled multiscale biointerfaces. Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2018, doi:10.1038/s41551-018-0230-1 ( Link  Also see: Y. W. Jiang, Tailoring silicon for optically controlled, non-genetic biological modulation (Behind-the-paper). Link


  • R. Parameswaran*, J. Carvalho-de-Souza*, Y. W. Jiang, M. J. Burke, J. F. Zimmerman, K. Koehler, A. W. Phillips, J. Yi, E. J. Adams, F. Bezanilla, B. Z. Tian. Photoelectrochemical modulation of neuronal activity with free-standing coaxial silicon nanowires. Nature Nanotechnology, 2018, Link



Year 2017:

  • Y. Fang*, Y. W. Jiang*, M. J. Cherukara*, F. Y. Shi, K. Koehler, G. Freyermuth, D. Isheim, B. Narayanan, A. W. Nicholls, D. N. Seidman, S. K. R. S. Sankaranarayanan, B. Z. Tian. Alloy-assisted deposition of three-dimensional arrays of atomic gold catalyst for crystal growth studies. Nature Communications, 2017, 8, article number: 2014. Link
  • J. Yi*, Y. C. Wang*, Y. W. Jiang, I. W. Jung, W. J. Liu, V. De Andrade, R. Q. Xu, R. Parameswaran, I. R. Peters, R. Divan, X. H. Xiao, T. Sun, Y. Lee, W. I. Park, and B. Z. Tian. 3D calcite heterostructures for dynamic and deformable mineralized matrices. Nature Communications, 2017, 8, article number: 509. Link


Year 2016:

  • J. F. Zimmerman, R. Parameswaran, G. Murray, Y. Wang, M. Burke, B. Z. Tian. Cellular uptake and dynamics of unlabeled freestanding silicon nanowires. Science Advances, 2016, 2:e1601039. Link


  • Y. W. Jiang*, J. Carvalho-de-Souza*, R. Wong*, Z. Q. Luo, D. Isheim, X. B. Zuo, A. W. Nicholls, I. W. Jung, J. P. Yue, D.-J. Liu, Y. C. Wang, V. De Andrade, X. H. Xiao, L. Navrazhnykh, D. E. Weiss, X. Y. Wu, D. N. Seidman, F. Bezanilla, and B. Z. Tian. Heterogeneous silicon mesostructures for lipid-supported bioelectric interfaces. Nature Materials, 2016, 15, 1023-1030. Link



Year 2015:

  • Z. Q. Luo*, Y. W. Jiang*, B. D. Myers, D. Isheim, J. S. Wu, J. F. Zimmerman, Z. A. Wang, Q. Q. Li, Y. C. Wang, X. Q. Chen, V. P. Dravid, D. N. Seidman and B. Z. Tian, Atomic gold-enabled three-dimensional lithography for silicon mesostructures. Science, 2015, 348, 1451-1455. Link



Year 2013:

  • B. Z. Tian and C. M. Lieber, Synthetic nanoelectronic probes for biological cells and tissue. Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry, 2013, 6, 31-51. (invited review) Link


Before UChicago:

  • B. Z. Tian*, J. Liu*, T. Dvir*, L. H. Jin, J. H. Tsui, Q. Qing, Z. G. Suo, R. Langer, D. S. Kohane and C. M. Lieber, Macroporous nanowire nanoelectronic scaffolds for synthetic tissues, Nature Mater., 2012, 11, 986-994. Link


  • B. Z. Tian*, T. Cohen-Karni*, Q. Qing, X. J. Duan, P. Xie and C. M. Lieber, Three-dimensional, flexible nanoscale field-effect transistors as localized bioprobes, Science, 2010, 329, 830-834. Link
  • B. Z. Tian, P. Xie, T. J. Kempa, D.C. Bell and C. M. Lieber, Single crystalline kinked semiconductor nanowire superstructures, Nature Nanotechnol., 2009, 4, 824-829. Link
  • B. Z. Tian, T. J. Kempa and C. M. Lieber, Single nanowire photovoltaics, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2009, 38, 16-24. (invited review) (inside cover highlight) Link
  • B. Z. Tian*, X. L. Zheng*, T. J. Kempa, Y. Fang, N.F. Yu, G.H. Yu, J.L. Huang and C.M. Lieber, Coaxial silicon nanowires as solar cells and nanoelectronic power sources, Nature, 2007, 449, 885-888. Link
  • B. Z. Tian, X. Y. Liu, B. Tu, C. Z. Yu, J. Fan, L. M. Wang, S. H. Xie, G. D. Stucky and D. Y. Zhao, Self-adjusted synthesis of ordered stable mesoporous minerals by acid-base pairs, Nature Mater., 2003, 2, 159-163. Link
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